
Fine lines and wrinkles may occur on the skin depending on many factors such as aging, stress, sun effects, smoking, air pollution and menopause. It is not possible to eliminate these effects with cosmetic products thoroughly. In this respect, botox is one of the most reliable and easiest non-surgical methods to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines that naturally occur on the face.

How is Botox Done?

Botox, a medical protein called botulinum toxin, is a treatment that temporarily blocks the functioning of muscles by blocking the connection between nerve and muscles in the region where it is applied. Facial wrinkles are prevented with this treatment and it is applied to the mimic muscles to make muscle movements softer.

Before botox treatment, a local anaesthetic cream is applied to the patient. After that, botox protein is injected into the wrinkle points in small doses by very thin needles. This protein, acting as a neurotoxin, targets the nervous system and prevents muscle contraction. In this way, wrinkles are opened on the skin and other areas work normally to maintain facial expression. The medical protein injected with botox is effective only in the injected area and does not enter the general circulation.

Treatment usually lasts 10-15 minutes and minimal discomfort is felt during the application. Botox treatment usually does not require anaesthesia, but local anaesthetics creams are used upon the patient’s request.

On Which Areas Can Botox Be Applied?

Botox is applied to:

  • All areas where wrinkles and fine lines are dense in the face
  • Vertical lines that appear on the neck caused by ageing
  • Around the mouth, chin, and tip of the nose